Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Friday, October 3, 2008

An American Moment: VP Debate

2 October 2008

VP Viewing in a Peruvian Bar
Tonight, after 9 hours of work (during which I wrestled with how to account for 25 centuries of Roman history in a few easy-to-read web pages about art) and nearly two hours of Spanish lessons, I hustled over to a local bar where my friends and I discovered the US Vice Presidential Debates were airing. This being the first and only time Palin and Biden would meet face to face to debate on matters of the utmost importance to the future of United States politics (and, really, so much more), I knew that it was an important night to witness.

Entering the local sports bar, I found the place packed to capacity. Every TV was ready to air the debate. As most bars are, this place was crowded and noisy. But, phenomenally, the entire place hushed as the debate began. I can’t remember ever being in a bar so hushed by something on TV. Not even the Superbowl. People gathered here with the sole purpose of listening to this debate. It is something powerful and telling to witness this here. I take this as evidence of just how important people feel this particular election is to the fate of our nation.

So the debate began.

Not a single person that I saw in that bar seemed to be in favor of Palin. In fact, people were there from the Obama camp, signing ex-pats up on mailing lists and getting them emergency ballots and voting information. The entire crowd of people was virtually silent throughout the entire event, save for bursts of applause in response to Biden's poignant remarks. In response to Palin's meaningless jumble, I saw looks of horror spread across the faces of some people, while others were busy taking shots everytime Palin said something stupid. They had trouble even stumbling out of the bar by the end of the debate.

I can't help but think this experience in Peru is evidence of something really important happening in the US. This bar was filled with backpackers and expats, people who might have easily forgone this debate for a travel adventure or perhaps not found it worth the trouble to seek out a place where the debates would be aired live. It would be easy to forget, being so far from home, what was going on in US politics. But all of these people made a point to remember and made a point to watch it. Not only that but they truly watched and listened intently to the debate. In a bar, where people's attention spans usually dont last as long as their cocktails. People were truly engaged. From a nation so historically apathetic when it comes to politics, this unlikely meeting of passionate Americans indicates to me that we are in the midst of serious change in our country.

One can only hope that this change is for the good, and the torch is not passed to another team that will only continue to burn the fine institution of America to the ground.

1 comment:

J.SMART FILMS... said...

Slightly Importante. Si, Si.