Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A banal little update

I haven't written lately because there is not much to report on from this little spot on the globe. But I am tired of the Palin rant living at the top of my blog so I had to write something. haha
Plans are in the works (which are subject to change hourly it seems) and travel will recommence in November with a proper trek to Machu Picchu, a hiking trip in Huaraz (over the crazy world summit weekend in Lima), and then...something bigger. Update to follow.
My Spanish lessons are going great. My teacher warms my heart with his kindness and funny stories. He makes me feel confident and excited about learning Spanish. Hooray for good teachers!
I have been working like a mad little lady recently, 3 jobs 7 days a week. But it is worth it for the travels to come. I am thankful I have 3 jobs when some people have 0 and am grateful that I away from the sad state of the US economy and accompanying national panic, though it is strange to be disconnected and I worry for my family and friends. (that was a long sentence, forgive me I am sleepy and a bit sick right now). I hope that everyone is doing okay despite this domestic turmoil. A woman in the elevator the other day asked where I was from and when I told her, she replied with a look of pity-shock and said "Oh muchas problemas, lo siento" Yowswers.
Well that is all for now. I will try to go on some crazy adventure soon and report back with something more exciting.

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