Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Monday, October 27, 2008

A good weekend...

At the risk of producing a post that borders on the diary genre, I thought I’d provide a quick recap of my last couple of days, since my weekend was so enjoyable and since it’s been a while since I provided a peak into my current daily life.
This weekend began with a trip to my favorite restaurant in San Isidro with some of my very favorite people in Lima, Clara, Jaime (Hi-may), Mariane, and Henry. At this little soiree, where we enjoyed delicious food and drink, I was finally properly introduced to the French owner, Philippe, who coincidentally happens to be a friend of Jaime’s (coincidence abounds with my friend Jaime…unless we are talking aceitunas or beaches, about which we have opposite opinions). Aided by a pisco and copa de vino tinto, I proudly told Philippe in Spanish that his restaurant is my favorite in all of Lima and promised to be more explicit in my mention of his restaurant on my blog. So here it is:

Owned by frenchie Philippe and his gorgeous Peruvian wife, Chez Philippe is a fine Limeño restaurant proudly offering a wide array of European beers, wines from South America and Europe, crepes, salads, carne, fish, pizzas, flammenkutche, and more to satisfy and stimulate the palate. This cozy restaurant, which is equally affordable and adorable, is located at Avenida 2 de Mayo 748, in San Isidro, Lima, Peru. Their web address is: If you come here, go there. And so ends my pitch. (Maybe it will earn me a free pisco???)

Back to my weekend… After this wonderful evening, I woke Saturday and taught another kettlebell session. This was my first class facing four athletic men, some exceptionally and anomalously tall, each of which looked at me with curiosity as if thinking, “What is this strange little white chick going to offer me by way of fitness?” I did my damndest to kick their butts (whilst invariably kicking my own :). There is something satisfying and empowering about awing, engrossing, and inspiring people through kettlebells. Jaime, who owns the gym, always tells me how proud he is of me when I teach and how excited my students get about my classes. This makes me proud and delighted indeed. I know I will look back fondly on my bizarre happenstance of teaching here. Perhaps it will even open up some opportunities in the future and I will pursue the (expensive) certification necessary to teach in the US.

After resting up a bit from this big morning of work, my new friend Carlyn arrived into town. Carlyn is headed on a month’s adventure in Cusco, where she’s going to live with a family and study Spanish. Becoming acquainted through a friend in San Diego (thanks Heather!), Carlyn and I got on well from the start (she rocks!). We took a great stroll on a sunny afternoon by the cliffs and, after what turned out to be quite a long walk (anyone who knows me should not be surprised in the least that the first thing I did with my new friend was take her on a long walk, haha), we settled into another of my very favorite restaurants in Lima (I promise I do more than eat here!).

Alfrescos is one of the tastiest spots to grab some fancy seafood, which, for the quality and presentation, can be enjoyed at about a third of the cost of any similar restaurant in the US. Anyhow, I mention this not only because it is another tasty recommendation for the comida- inclined visitors and residents of Peru, but also because I finally tried CEVICHE! Yes, it took me four whole months to gutz up enough to try this raw seafood delicacy. It was deliciously spicy and didn’t make me hurl! Hooray! Great success! I think I will be having it again soon. Now I understand what all these Limeños are on about! I am so thankful that I live in the purported culinary capital of South America.

All food fascinations aside, I also spent much of the weekend walking (said food off ;). At about noon on Sunday, after chatting with my parents and Luke (who arrives in one week, I am so excited!), the sun burned away the grey and bathed everything in warm spring air. I had to get myself outside. I took a wander over to Barranco, the nearby coastal neighborhood known for its Bohemian eccentricities and its night clubs. I had such a joyous day just exploring. The sun made the ocean glow, the parks were green and teeming with blossoming flowers of every color, it was relatively quiet along the Malecon, and it was just a beautiful day to be alive. I could feel my heart expanding beyond the sometimes constricted state in which I find myself when I get overwhelmed by the daily travails of big city life. It made me smile.

I am grateful for these nourishing moments.

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