Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ania's Cumpleanos

Tonight Ania, Rachel, Evan, and I went out to San Isidro to celebrate Ania's birthday. We went to this French restaurant (my favorite in the city so far... sorry traditional Peruano restaurantes...but they have tarte flambee!). We had the whole darling place to ourselves because we ate at 8pm, which is way early for dinner by Lima standards. We filled the place with laughter as we enjoyed wine, crepes, pizza, and more. Ania even taught us how to sing happy birthday in Polish! It was quite a cultural event! After dinner we went to this hotel that has dolphins in it! It was awesome...but mid-drink, I fell asleep in the bar, haha! It appears that dolphins have a very sedating effect on me (or maybe it was the wine!)...I am learning I am not the night owl most Peruvians are...I cant keep up with these nocturnal creatures! Anyhow, the night was fabulous. Here are some photos...

1 comment:

fmail said...

Where are the photos of you passed out? ;-)