Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lima Update

Just some random mundane bits about life in Lima...

Well, it is slow going on catching up with my travel you might notice by all of the empty entries below. I am working on it...but it is hard to find time between work and spanish lessons to sit and really write. I try to make an effort to get to the coffeeshop on Sundays to get some writing done. In the meantime, I thought I'd give a little update about life back in Lima after my travels, which concluded some weeks ago.

Life in Lima is good. It is the middle of the winter, which is pretty mild for the most part. While any Limeno will tell you it never rains in their fine city, it does get misty enough to feel like rain. The temperature hasnt gotten below the high 50s in my estimation. The sun peeked out for a few hours yesterday, but otherwise it has been nothing but Lima grey. I miss the sunshine for certain. A few more months and I will be enjoying the sunny summer in Peru.

Work has been going pretty well. I am transitioning into doing more writing for my company's art history website. I am really excited about this project because I get a chance to study and write about Art History, a subject I've always wished to know more about but never had a chance to study formally. My first artist is El Greco, a prolific painter/sculptor/architect on which volumes have been written. I am a bit nervous since have much to learn about art and how to write about it, but am excited with this new element of my job.

I also just got a new roommate, by best girl friend down here, Rachel, has moved into my place. I am stoked and look forward to cooking fun dinners with her and making our place awesome.

Admittedly, I am a bit homesick and find that some days here can be challenging because of the language and cultural barrier. One of my favorite things right now is discovering new restaurants (favorites are the San Isidro french restaurant Chez Phillippe, Magma Sushi down the street from my office, Si Senor an expensive but tasty mexican restaurant, and any place with a good pisco sour or copa de vino tinto).

My mom is coming to visit me in about three weeks, which I am extremely excited about. We have grand plans to go to the jungle, which is going to be amazing, I'm sure!

This weekend I went to the center of Lima again with my old roommate Evan and our Spanish teachers. We went to the Inquisition Museum (which would have been a much richer experience if I could understand what the guide was saying). We also went to the Congress building, which is a grand edifice where Classic Greek architecture abounds. After these little tours, we ate a nice Chifa (Chinese-Peruvian) lunch in Barrio Chino (Chinatown). I bought some DVDs (5 DVDs and 2 CDs for $5!!!!). Evan bought a guitar. The End.

Next weekend, I am running in the Nike HumanRace 10K in Lima. I should be training more than I am, but I think I am ready for this run. Perhaps more tales about my Peruvian run to follow.

That is all for now. Gonna close up the computer, grab an alfajor (a delicious Peruvian cookie), pay my coffeeshop bill, and head out to a flea market.

Hasta luego.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Hey! My brother LOVES pisco sours!
I have a bar mix he gave me and I won't use it until I actually go out and buy the bitters! :)

we miss you!