Living La Vida Lima

Living La Vida Lima

Sunday, June 29, 2008

En El Avion

(Originally written on an airplane ticket during an early morning scribble--June 26th)

I awoke this morning to airplane window views of the verdant volcanoes and valleys of El Salvatore. Every shade of green seems represented on the mountainsides and valley floor. It looks luscious and more beautiful than this nation appears to get credit for. Though I resist making erroneous comparisons, these sites sparked stored memories of Kauai and Costa Rica’s gorgeousness. After landing at the small San Salvatore airport early this morning, I waited just a short time before boarding the craft on which I write this now. My trip so far has proceeded without major incident. The only excitement was the shuffle of my belongings from bag to bag at SFO to achieve the proper weight balance and reduce the extra baggage fees I inevitably had to pay despite my game of musical belongings. Details.

While most of my journey so far has been spent sleeping, my quasi-wakeful mind has been settling on memories of recent times—friendships forged and fortified, goodbyes to some of the best friends I’ve ever known, well wishes from family, and all the love I have been showered with in the past weeks and days. I can’t say I have ever felt more loved than I do at this moment. And of the countless reasons I have to be deeply grateful, this one outshines them all. This love, so generously given by my dearest friends and family (i.e. YOU!), fills me with strength, purpose, and courage. Though today marks the beginning of a journey without all of you, I do not travel alone, nor do I feel loneliness, for you are all present in my heart. All I can say, with gratitude, is mucho gracias para todo.

I am ready.

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